The National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction or Listahanan of DSWD Field Office II forefronts orientation to the Barangay Officials in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya on June 13, 2014.
This aims for an immense information dissemination regarding the Listahanan project and for the upcoming Second Round of Family Assessment.
“Aside from the scheduled Local Government Unit orientation, RHTU also conducts speaking engagement in the Barangay level. This is very timely, most specially that they are our partners and front liners during the actual enumeration”, Ms. Delia S. Sto. Tomas, Deputy Regional Project Manager, said.
Also, the Regional Household Targeting Unit (RHTU) had comprehensively discussed the roles and responsibilities of the Barangay Officials during the conduct of the Family Assessment such as to spearhead proper information dissemination at the barangay level, assist the enumerators and area supervisors in penetrating distant and hard to reach sitios or puroks, participate as members of the Local Verification Committee (LV

C) that will act on complains/appeals relating to issues of household eligibility, facilitate validation of household not assessed during the regular enumeration in both urban and rural barangays on the On Demand Application (ODA) and a lot more.
There were 15 presidents of Liga ng Barangay from the province of Nueva Vizcaya who attended the said orientation.
Meanwhile Ms. Sto. Tomas added that RHTU has already line up schedules and meeting with the other officials in the other provinces of Region II.
“We really appreciate the interest and support of our LGUs most specially our barangay officials. It signifies a strong collaboration for the best success Second Round of Family Assessment.“Ms. Sto. Tomas, shared. ###by: Ailyn P. Aglaua, Admin. Assistant III-Listahanan