Enuemarators are all ears on their trainors as they get trained on how to use the survey tool for rapid assessment of CSAP projects in Penablanca, Cagayan.
Enuemarators are all ears on their trainors as they get trained on how to use the survey tool for rapid assessment of CSAP projects in Penablanca, Cagayan.

The Field Office 02 gets a thumbs up for its good implementing strategy in the construction of core shelter units for typhoon victims during the Rapid Assessment of Core Shelter Assistance Program (CSAP) on May 6-9, 2015 in Tuguegarao City.

Thus, the region was identified as area of study by the Research Monitoring and Evaluation Office of DSWD taking into consideration its good track record in implementing the said program particularly in the municipality of Penablanca, Cagayan with the construction of 466 core shelter units in 2011.

Core Shelter Assistance Program aims to assist family-victims whose houses were totally or partially destroyed by natural or human-induced disasters to acquire decent shelters through cash or material assistance complemented with technical assistance from the DSWD and LGUs.

The impact of this program is measured through the Rapid Assessment on CSAP which aims to determine how the program is being implemented  and detect any potential benefits to its beneficiaries.

The said Rapid Assessment was conducted by the Enumerators on May 11-22, 2015 in Penablanca where they interviewed family-victims on the positive impacts of the program and the possible improvements needed.

It is hoped that the results of this assessment will encourage, not only the other regions, to strengthen its implementation of the program but more so the Local Government Units to speed up the completion of the shelter project. ### By: GELA FLOR R. PEREZ, Regional Information Officer II