Some people are speechless when something big and significant happen in their lives, but the smile in their faces speak of their happiness. Marieta Kiso, was also lost for words when her life undergone a transformation, but the shine in her eyes says it all.

Marieta, is a beneficiary of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya. And since she became a recipient of the program, Marieta’s story of positive changes began to unfold.

She is a mother to five children which makes it difficult to sustain her family’s daily needs. They live in their simple house made of “sawali” and whenever there are typhoons, Marieta is worried about their safety.

“We keep a stronghold with our almighty God to beg for help, and ask Him to give us strength and courage to fulfill our tasks as parents,” she said.

Marieta added that she often finds it difficult to budget the meager income of her husband in covering the needs of her children, and their needs as a family. She feels sorry for being unable to grant her children’s wishes, and this situation really breaks Marietta’s heart. But she could not do anything except to hope and pray for better days.

Until one day, Marietta’s prayer was answered. The Kiso family became a beneficiary of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program and their lives were forever changed, for the better.

The program lessen my burden in budgeting the health and education expenses of my children. I use the grants according to its purposes,” Marieta happily shared.

Because the cash grant solely covers the needs of her children, Marietta can now save some amount from her husband’s earnings, which she used for the repair of their house.

“Now, if anyone visits our house, I’m no longer shy to let them in,” she jokingly said. “We also feel safe and secured when a heavy rain pours,” she added.

But aside from the financial relief that the program provides, Marieta is even more grateful for the knowledge she acquired through the Family Development Sessions or FDS.

“I truly appreciate the FDS because it supplies my ignorant mind with many learnings that I need in order to improve and build a strong relationship with my children and my spouse. There were also topics relevant to our roles as parents. Even if I didn’t reach to college, I’m confident to say that I found precious treasures which freed me from ignorance,” Marietta gushed.

Many positive changes continued to thrive in Marieta’s life. She also became a Parent Leader and actively fulfills her roles and responsibilities. This opened more doors of opportunities for her.

As a Parent Leader, Marieta has gone to different places and set foot in hotels, which before, were just a dream for her. Her most memorable experience was going to Puerto Princesa, Palawan last year for the Indigenous People Stakeholder Consultation Workshop. This was a proud moment for Marietta because she spoke in behalf of her fellow beneficiaries when she presented the issues and vulnerabilities relative to program implementation.

Marieta became more cognizant of her roles as an active member of the community, and her leadership skills were honed. Now, she juggles herself as a Parent Leader and at the same time, as the chairman of the Pantawid for the Local Poverty Reduction Action Team (LPRAT).

During her free time, she bathes and feeds the pigs given to her by the Department of Agriculture in partnetship with their local government unit. Marieta is thankful that the government has given her family another intervention to uplift their status, as they became a recipient of the Sustainable Livelihood Program.

As she digs deeper into the program, she understands that despite the efforts of the government, she also needs to depend on herself and ensure that her family will soon rise from poverty. Recently, Marieta has found a job as a cook in a local restaurant at their place. Her salary is a big help to augment in their family income.

For Marieta, being included in the program is the most wonderful blessing she received. She’s thankful for each day that she no longer lives helpless.

“Halamat!”- (Kalanguya term for “Thank You.”) This is what I can say to all people behind Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.

With pride and conviction, she finishes her story with this statement: “I’m Marieta Kiso and Kaya kong Tumawid tungo sa Kaunlaran. Kaya ko ang Pagbabago!”

Needless to say, these fourteen words sum up how the program has positively changed the Kiso family. For Marieta, these words will never be enough but the joy in her face, says it all. ### By: DEN CHRIST D. TELAN, Municipal Link