Awards come and go, but legacy stays forever.

When a person or an institution gets an award or recognition, it is typical to feel a sense of satisfaction. It is not just you or an organization that recognizes what you do anymore; you get a certain distinction from other people now. The appreciation that you receive is something that people will remember for a long time.

When you get an award, you feel a desire to continue what you do best, which is always a good thing. There is never a thing as too much of a good thing. Doing what is good and what is working for as long as it can be done will only result to positive outcomes.

Establishing an Award

NHTS-PR’s Gawad Listahanan was created to recognize the efforts of LGUs, CSOs, NGOs, academes and other data partners in using our database to determine their beneficiaries, as a basis for their studies or for any purpose it may serve them.

This year, three awards will be given; one for the provincial level, one for the municipal level and one for non-government organizations. Three because of how varied the data-partners of Listahanan are.

The winners will be given a cash prize and a special commendation during the DSWD anniversary in January of next year. The boost that this recognition could give to the winners will only enhance their image not only to their constituents or target people but for audiences across the country as well.


DSWD FO2 strives to be open when it comes to the processes that it does to show people that all of the duties that were handed to it are being done in the most honest way possible. The field office also aims to show people through its transparency that it takes full responsibility of its obligations.

NHTS-PR’s Gawad Listahanan aims to do the same. The project lends its profile of the poor database to its data partners through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to demonstrate that it is willing to show what it has to help data partners fulfill their set upon goals and purpose while at the same time helping the Listahanan-identified poor households through their social protection programs and services.

“Maganda ang award na ito (Gawad Listahanan) kasi nga naipapakita natin sa kanila na transparent talaga tayo sa ating mga ginagawa,” Mr. Reymund Ferrer, NHTS-PR FO2’s Regional Associate Statistician said about what makes the award notable.


Getting an award or recognition also empowers data partners as the work that they do is now being recognized by others, allowing them to push to perhaps improve more and as a result, affect the lives of more people.

Gawad Listahanan aims to empower data partners, urging them to continue using the database for years to come to be able to help as many people as possible.

“Malaking bagay yang award (Gawad Listahanan)kung sino man ang mapipiling manalo kasi nga binibigyan mo sila ng additional power kung baga, lakas na magpatuloy dahil tinuturing nating importante yung gawa nila sa pagbago ng buhay ng mga constituents natin,” Mr. Matthias James Ryan Tangonan, NHTS-PR FO2’s Regional Information Technology Officer said of the empowerment that the award gives to data partners.


Awards are more than just the plaque or trophy that you receive or the recognition that you obtain whenever you are handed one. What matters more is the legacy that the award bestows not just to the individual or organization that an award is given to but also to the message that it imparts to other people; that when you strive to be great, you can be more.

The legacy that the winners of this year’s Gawad Listahanan is already certain, and whatever it is, one can be sure that it will be good and positive.  

                Listahanan is a credible basis of social protection programs and services to identify their beneficiaries. ### Written by Chester Carlo M. Trinidad, Listahanan Information Officer