The Family Camp was conducted in Sanchez Mira, Cagayan for the reason that, there are high incidence of Violence resulting to poor family relations based on the reports of the Municipal Links as well as the Gender and Development Focus Group Discussion on the incidence of Violence of Women (VAW) done in the Municipality that was participated by the identified Pantawid Beneficiaries who are experiencing various types of violence at their houses through the use of the Gender and Development Validation forms.

Thus, the Family Camp was one of the activities or interventions that were identified by the program implementers during the cliniquing process after the Gender and Development Focus Group Discussion with the National Program Management Office: Gender and Development Unit staff.

Moreover, the activity aims to deliver to the family identified families, discuss and explain their family issues, its precursors, and its implication to the family and its members. The family should recognize their strengths and weaknesses and provide them opportunities to improve and enhance their capabilities to function. The family should develop an intervention plan that could give resolution on their problems. Furthermore, this activity will serve as a venue for the couple to appreciate each other presence and be able to decrease rate of reported cases of incest, abused/neglect/abandoned children, run-away mothers, and others. This activity also aims to have a hundred per cent compliance in attending FDS. Lastly, the family camp aims to strengthen husband-wife relationship and strengthen parent-children relationship

The activity was participated by various Civil Service Organizations (CSOs) such as National Auxiliary Chaplaincy Philippines (NACPHIL) and Universal Peace Federation (UPF). Moreover, the proponent of this activity was the Local Government Unit of Sanchez Mira, Cagayan.

The two day activity was participated by 20 identified families. Each family is composed of a father, a mother and their child. There were separate sessions for couples and children that were handled by the Regional Program Management Office staff headed by the Regional GAD Focal Person. Each session, there are worthwhile activities those were able to assist the participants to understand the topics or discussions well.

The Renewal of Vows was the highlight of the Family Psycho-Social Educational Camp and was witnessed by their children and other participants. Nineteen couples participated in the renewal of marriage vows in which they promised each other again to love and cherish every moment of their life, treasure their relationship and give more time to one another and give more love to their family; their spouse, their children as much as they love their own selves. As the pastors have said May this activity serve as an inspiration and reminder for the couples that marriage life will never be so easy as they wants it to be but with the presence and help of each other they can surpass each trail, miseries and challenges of life and be able to build a better world for their children.

At the end of the program or activity, two of the participants were able to share their experience with regards to the two (2) day activity during the closing program. The activity was so beneficial to them according to a male participant for the reason that, they were given a chance to have a meaningful bonding time with their family especially to their spouse because for how many years that they have been together they were not given the chance to enjoy their time being together since they are so busy searching for things that would respond to and be able to sustain the needs of their family especially their children. The female participant shared that they were able to realize lots of things in terms of parenting, in terms of strengthening their relationship to their spouses and to their children as well the reason why she is so thankful that she became part of this activity.

Lastly, the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer (MSWDO) of Sanchez Mira shared her thoughts during the closing program in which she said that this activity is so beneficial not only to the people of Sanchez Mira but also to their Local Government Unit because they were given the chance to be with their constituents and witness the great chance to these families. ### By: Mac Paul V. Alariao, Regional GAD Focal