Irene Babida is 82 years old and a widow from Alucao, Sta. Teresita, Cagayan. She has 5 children, all of them have their own families. She lives   with her daughter and her family.

At her age, Lola Irene suffers from Rheumatism and Arthritis. She is deaf, can’t talk and walk due to her Arthritis. But she can crawl to move around in just a small area. She communicates through writing in a small board because she does not know sign language. She just stays in their house yet she’s a great help to the family as she babysits her great grandchild while the family members attend to different household chores.

With the meager income of the family, Lola Irene forgoes taking her medicines over food on their table. With her first stipend of Php500.00 a month, she requested her daughter to use it as a capital for a small convenience store or sari-sari store so that she can help augment the family income. Her succeeding stipend  were spent for her basic needs. The small business venture proved to be successful and continues to nurture the same with the help of her family.

Lola Irene has become the epitome of a strong woman who doesn’t let her frailties get the better out of her.

“I will forever be grateful to DSWD for the Social Pension Program. More than the financial benefits that it provides, it touches my heart knowing that the government values the elderly like me, that it cares for us,” said Lola Irene. ###