The Department of Social Welfare and Development joins this year’s 38th National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week with the theme, “Karapatan ng may Kapansanan, Isakatuparan…Now na!” participating in a series of activities throughout the region.
Among the highlights of the celebration were the distribution of assistive devices to selected PWDs, media guesting, conduct of poster making contest for PWD students, accessibility audit for some government office buildings, among others.
The said celebration showed the convergence efforts of members of the Regional Council for Disability Affairs (RCDA) and participating Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).
“While we have our member agencies to work with in ensuring that the laws protecting the rights of PWDs are implemented, we urged CSOs to help us monitor compliance with the said laws,” said Ms. Lucia S. Alan, DSWD Field Office 02 OIC Assistant Regional Director. ### By: Gela Flor R. Perez, Regional Information Officer II