Batanes – In the Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment (RDANA) Report by the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Manangement Council (RDRRMC)  presented to the Office of the Provincial Governor of Batanes on September 21, 2016, the Departmentment of Social Welfare and Development’s good practice was recognized.
 The prepositioning of goods by DSWD was observed as a good practice as the said goods were used to immediately augment the needs of the affected families considering the geographical location of the province of Batanes.
The said strategy of prepositioning  goods at the LGU level would ensure faster delivery of relief supplies to families that will be affected by the weather disturbance.
Likewise recognized were the following good practices of the Ivatans:  the use of  indigenous knowledge on early warning system; Ivatans with sturdy houses allowed their neighbors to seek temporary refuge in their houses and share what they have;tThe Ivatans’ culture of Resilience, “Yaru” (Bayanihan System),“Bandilyo” (information dissemination), “Kapanpet” (tying of roofs of their houses) and “pag-iimbak ng pagkain”; upon receiving PAGASA Severe Weather Bulletin, they immediately inform the community to prepare for the possible effects of the incoming typhoon; and lastly, the communities immediately conduct clearing operations and repair of their houses.  ### By: Gela Flor R. Perez, Regional Information Officer II