As part of the continuous efforts of DSWD FO2 Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) to capacitate its program participants, an orientation on Basic Gender and Development (GAD) was held last March 21-22, 2018 where a total of 3600 participants attended  in various community centers across the provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya and Quirino.

The orientation aims to identify the relevant gender issues such as division of labor, access to and control of resources, constraints and opportunities in connection with participation in decision-making and project activities, and access to resources and benefits. It also aims to incorporate GAD issues in the course of project design and implementation among the program participants of SLP.

Respective Field Project Development Officers II, Provincial Coordinators, Regional Program Management Office (RPMO) technical staff and a number of Pantawid personnel spearheaded the said orientation. They served as resource person and secretariat during the said activity. The converge efforts and expertise led to discussions on topics which includes Sex and Gender, Gender Socialization, Gender Division of Labor, Manifestations of Gender Bias & Power, and Gender and Development. The facilitators incorporated an experiential learning coupled with participatory approach to fully engage participants. To make it more dynamic, games and ice breakers were also fused. Correspondingly, Local Government Units and an external partner, St. Mary’s University of Nueva Vizcaya, extended their hand through the provision logistics support.

The orientation bridges the gap on the prevailing mind set of program participants on Gender and Development. It serves as a platform for learning and increases their awareness on gender issues. Now, not only can they readily identify GAD-related issues and concerns but they can now also recognize tangible solutions to address such. Moreover, appreciation on sex and gender and the complexities of the concept of equality was also apparent.

The activity was an eye opener to avoid prejudice on gender preferences and advocates respect on individual differences. The participants were appreciative of the insights gained and they look forward for further capacity building activities of this kind. ### By: Melisen Taquiqui, SLP Social Marketing Officer with a report from: Chester Carlo M. Trinidad, OIC-Regional Information Officer