Tuguegarao City – In line with the declaration of Code Red Sublevel 2 by President Duterte last March 12, 2020, the DSWD has released guidelines for the implementation of its programs and services while the alert level is still in effect.

The implementation of the following programs shall be suspended from 12:00 AM of March 15, 2020 to 12:00 AM of April 14, 2020:

1. Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens;
2. Unconditional Cash Transfer (UCT);
3. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program;
4. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAM);
5. Listahanan;
6. Emergency Shelter Assistance (ESA);
7. Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP);
8. Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP).

The beneficiaries of the above-mentioned programs are advised to adhere to the suspension of the programs to prevent the possible spread of the COVID-19 through activities such as payouts, meetings, and activities involving close contact with several persons.

The provision of financial assistance through the agency’s Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) shall continue but will be limited to a maximum of 50 clients per days for the field office’s Crisis Intervention Section (CIS) and 30 clients a day for its Social Welfare and Development (SWAD) offices.

Those availing of the AICS are advised to wait for information from field office personnel as well as local social welfare and development officers as to when funds will become available before heading to the Regional Office or its SWAD offices.

Sanitation and social distancing measures have already started in the field office and SWAD offices for further preventive measure to the COVID-19.

Individuals with questions and/or concerns are advised to contact hotline 304-1004 or send their concerns at www.facebook.com/DSWDDos. ###