Tuguegarao City – The National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction or Listahanan has finished assessing 646,009 households out of a total target of 654,788 households, a 98.66% accomplishment rate as of March 05, 2020.

The achievement comes after the completion of the 3rd round of household assessment’s preparatory phase last year which required Listahanan staff to attend a training of trainers as well as roll-out training for field staff to conduct relevant activities relative to the assessment of households.

The assessment phase also started last year and is expected to wrap up by the end of March 2020.

Field staff assessing household intake information using Household Assessment Forms (HAFs) which are then sent to the DSWD Field Office 02 for encoding. As of today, 444,611 HAFs have been downloaded out of the total 646,009 households assessed so far.

After completion of the assessment and encoding phase, verification is done to make sure all the data collected and encoded follows the data written on HAFs. The production of the initial list of poor households shall be done after this.

The validation and finalization phase shall follow after to ensure the accuracy of the Listahanan database. All the data will then be sent to the National Household Targeting Office (NHTO) in the DSWD Central Office for it to undergo the Proxy Means Test (PMT).

The reports generation phase and data sharing of the final list of poor households shall follow after, which will then kickstart data sharing activities of the Listahanan in the regional area. These are expected to start by CY 2021.

The list of poor households to be generated by Listahanan shall be used by the DSWD and its partner stakeholders, through a memorandum of agreement, for the identification of beneficiaries of different social protection programs and services. ###