Sta. Ana, CAGAYAN- The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 02 in partnership with the National Youth Commission have spearheaded the regional launching of the Youth Development Sessions in this municipality on February 24, 2016.

A total of 251 high school students from Sta. Ana Fishery National High School, who are also beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, gathered for the launching activity which is focused on motivating the adolescents in attending and finishing their education.

The launching kicked-off through the accomplishment of ‘dream boards’ wherein the students wrote their ambitions. After which, the students were divided into groups for the breakout sessions tackling topics on The Changing Body, Teenage Pregnancy, and Substance Abuse, which signals the actual launching of the YDS.

In her message, DSWD OIC-Regional Director Ponciana P. Condoy emphasized on the importance of education and encouraged the students to study hard as this is the key in the fulfillment of their goals.

The event was also witnessed by representatives from the National Program Management Office and partners from the regional office of Department of Education, Department of Health and Commission on Population.

The YDS is a parallel intervention to the Family Development Sessions targeted for high school student-beneficiaries of Pantawid Pamilya. It is a modular session that intends to equip them with appropriate knowledge, attitude and skills to face developmental challenges, see available opportunities, and overcome possible risks to aim them in achieving optimal and holistic development. Topics in YDS lie along adolescent dynamics, sexuality, career, life, skills, among others.

Pantawid Pamilya is a human-development and rights-based program of the national government and is being implemented by DSWD. The program invests in the health and education of poor Filipino children aged 0-18 years old by providing cash grants in exchange of compliance to certain conditionalities. ### By MARICEL B. ASEJO, Information Officer II – Pantawid Pamilya