Joining this month’s graduates were 151 Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) participants of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) from 5 municipalities in Cagayan.
In Sanchez Mira and Pamplona, Cagayan, 71 Pantawid Pamilya and SLP program participants benefited from various technical vocational trainings such as Computer Hardware Servicing NC II, Automotive Servicing NC II, Cosmetology (Beauty Care/Nail Care NC II), Food Trades (Bread and Pastry Production NC II), Building Construction (Carpentry NC II) and Consumer Electronics Servicing.
The said training was in partnership with Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trade which provided technical expertise to the participants. On the other hand, other agencies expressed their support for employment facilitation of the graduates such as the Philippine Employment Service Office (PESO) and the Department of Labor and employment (DOLE).
Meanwhile, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) provided skills training to 40 program participants in Lal-lo, Cagayan on Coconut and Rice Noodles Processing particularly production of rice chips and rice noodles as well as Kalamansi Processing to 20 program participants from Camalaniugan, Cagayan.
Through DOST’s Provincial Director for Cagayan, Director Teresita A. Tabaog, an assessment activity was undertaken in order to determine the viability of the business and preparedness of the participants with Ms. Melanie Arugay and Ms. Bernadette Palad from the Food Innovation Center as trainors.
Further trainings will soon start this April in order to enhance capacities of the graduates.
Not to be left behind were 20 graduates of Bread and Pastry Production from San Pedro, Lasam who are now on the go with their Hot Pan de sal sa Barangay enterprise.
Recognizing that a sustainable source of income is the key to ensure the long-term growth of the program participants, SLP through its Project Development Officers, continues to provide assistance to the participants and seeks more entrepreneurial opportunities for them. ### By: Gela Flor R. Perez, Regional Information Officer II