Ilagan, Isabela- With the aim to intensify disaster preparedness in the province, the Provincial Government of Isabela and the Department of Social Welfare and Development recently inaugurates the Isabela Multi-Purpose Evacuation Center.

The DSWD shared P10,000,000.00 pesos for the completion of the said P27,000,000.00 peso-structure.

“We recognize the need for a more focused and implementation of programs and services to strengthen preparedness and response to natural disasters,” said DSWD OIC Regional Ponciana P. Condoy.

Condoy added that the construction of the said evacuation center is not only intended to temporarily shelter the displaced victims and families within this City but also those from neighboring municipalities. Likewise, the said evacuation center could be utilized as day care and health center.

Isabela Provincial Governor Faustino G. Dy III acknowledged the assistance of DSWD in the realization of this project and its crucial role in Disaster Risk Reduction Management.

Meanwhile, four evacuation centers are in the offing in the four coastal municipalities of the province deemed most vulnerable to typhoons and other disasters. ### By: Gela Flor R. Perez, Regional Information Officer II