A tribesman that hails from the mountainous terrain of Barangay Latbang in the town of Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya, Mr. Benny Calpahe Binando is a pure blood Kalanguya. He was born on a warm 14th day of April in 1963 to Kalanguya parents. His family traces its roots from the early settlers of Kalanguya that migrated from the Cordilleras.

The Kalanguyas are peace-loving people with a well preserved strong cultural priorities, customs and traditions, an instance would be the manner of amicable settlement or “Tongtong” where elders are gathered to adjudicate conflicting claims without necessarily resorting to court litigation.

Early Chilhood Through Adolescence

Growing up in a rugged landscape and a poor village, he observed the practice of slash and burn farming that gradually progressed to a more sustainable and less nomadic vegetable farming. It was also around his early childhood that missionaries arrived in the town to preach Christianity winning his heart in choosing to serve the Lord later in life.

Social services were also not readily available but despite that, he was determined to avail of himself proper education graduating in elementary and pushing through secondary education. But as he progressed, it had become more costly for the family to maintain his schooling that eventually, he had to stop in order to  help his family with the farming.

Raising a Family

 At 22, he met and eventually married Lilia, a beautiful and gentle Kalanguya of 19 years. As a couple, they chose to settle at Latbang, Nueva Vizcaya to start their own family. The couple is blessed with 6 children.

 Fernando, the eldest, is now 30 years old and has since then started his own family. He finished second year college before he stopped schooling to be more of help to the family. Like his father, he tills the land with vegetable farming as the main source of livelihood but also serves the community as an active Barangay Official.

 Aprila is the second child. She finished Bachelor in Elementary Education at Nueva Vizcaya State University and is now practicing her profession as a teacher. At 27, she is also married and has a family of her own but never fails to aid her parents when the need arises.

 At 24, Christopher, still plans to go back to school through the Alternative Learning System of the Department of Education since he only finished 6th grade. For now, he is single and contributes to the education of his younger siblings.

 Taking up Computer Science at Nueva Vizcaya State University, 21-year-old Padilla is the fourth child. It is already his fifth year and after graduation, he plans to land a high-paying job so as to repay all his parent’s sacrifices getting him through his education.

 Edilfonso is the fifth of the lot. At 18 years, he is a Grade 10 student at Ambaguio High School. He looks up to sister Aprila and strongly believes the importance of having a proper education. He is determined to pursue higher education but at the same time knows that it should be balanced with his responsibilities in the household.

 A cheerful and bright little girl enlivens the Binando household. Belia Ruth is the youngest at 12 years old and a performing honor student at the local elementary school. A clever and sensible girl, as her parents describe her, she is reliable in the household helping with the chores during weekends and vacation.

 The family claims that God is the center of their family and believes that despite all the difficulties they go through, they will strive to realize each and everybody’s dream.

A Man of Faith

 Mr. Binando has been indoctrinated into the Christian faith during his young adulthood and has since then decided to give his life in service of the Lord. He is practicing the pastoral ministry for 18 years now at Calvary Gospel Tabernacle Church Ministry. Members of the congregation span from Barangay Latbang to Cabayo and Balete at Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya.

 His dedication led him to attend and complete the degree of Bachelor of Ministry at Shalom Bible College, Itogon Benguet on 2006. The curriculum provided by the Calvary Pentecostal Bible College at Benguet, Philippines and Shalom Bible College incorporated by the State of Iowa, USA.

 With his continuous devotion, he was soon appointed not only a preacher’s position but also a senior adviser and overall chair of six local churches at barangays Cabayo, Balsi, Nansabitan, and Latbang, in the town of Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya; Barangays Daclato and Salingsingan, in the town of Ambaguio, Nueva Vizcaya; and Barangays Baguimbing, in the town of Tinoc, Ifugao.

 As a preacher and adviser, he and his wife provide counsel to families undergoing difficulties as well as encourage non-members into receiving the Lord in their life. He makes sure to share words of encouragement to the young and advocate values and spiritual growth among members of the community.

A Man of Service and Leadership

 A barangay Secretary since 2013, Mr. Binando does not shy from integrating his own initiative to promote social welfare in his community. He co-authored a barangay ordinance and Memorandum of Agreement discouraging and penalizing incessant alcoholism and gambling which became effective within that year. This was aimed to benefit the economic growth and most especially in decreasing the incidence of violence among couples and their children. He also provides assistance through the Barangay Child Protection Council and Women’s Desk through sharing of information and advice. His training on Empowerment and Reaffirmation of Paternal Abilities (ERPAT) has proven valuable in this area.

Dubbed as a “Man of Action” by other barangay workers, he is always spotted as an initiator of change. His ability to scout and tap into resources that will help alleviate living conditions is what friends admire from him the most. He encourages fellow men into joining associations or civic groups in his free time. He actively participated and facilitated in the establishment of an electrification facility of their barangay.

 One other advocacy is in the promotion of healthy living. Mr. Binando serves as the Team Leader for the Community Health Team of the barangay. The team facilitate in the implementation and monitoring of health advancement programs directed to Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries. He is also a Red Cross Volunteer and a Japan Red Cross Volunteer.

One of the more valuable contributions he made to the community is his continuous lobbying with the Municipal Action Team for the installation of twenty-one water-sealed toilet facility in the barangay. Further, he urges everyone to practice responsible waste disposal and proper sanitation.

 His involvement in civic groups is also commendable. From 2014 to present, he is the president of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) where his tasks include creating proposals for development projects to be implemented in their community as well as in monitoring current projects. He is also elected as the president of the Latbang Agricultural Association under the Sustainable Livelihood Project of the Department.

 Cagayan Valley’s ‘Modelong Ama’

 As a partner and a father, Mr. Binando exemplifies the very heart of a true pillar of the family, instilling on the minds of his children the value of respect and humility, love and forgiveness, and most of all the strength in fighting the good fight. As a pantawid beneficiary, he shows genuine concern for his fellowmen, the passion to advocate progress and the credibility of a man of God. He is Cagayan Valley’s modelong ama. ### By: Jeanet Antolin-Lozano, Pantawid Pamilya Information Officer II