The couple Fernando and Antonina Tappa, residents of Cabbo, Penablanca, Cagayan, both are 80 years old and beneficiaries of the Social Pension Program. They are living in a makeshift house without electricity. They have eight (8) children, all were not able to finish high school due to poverty, all have their own families.

At his age, Lolo Fernando tries his best to put food on their table and not rely on the support of their children who are all equally hard up. He makes a living out of selling drift wood or firewood to their neighbors. During market days, he gathers “kangkong” leaves and other vegetables from their backyard garden and Lola Antonia sells it to the market at Centro, Penablanca. They also sell clams or exchange it for their basic commodities like rice.

The couple lives on a hand-to-mouth existence. Their economic condition is exacerbated by the deterioration of Lola Antonia’s health when her blood pressure shoot up followed by other health issues. Hence, Lola Fernando was left on his own to fend for themselves. His daily income could not barely provide for their daily needs.

In 2012, hope for a silver lining shine for the old couple. Republic Act No. 9994 or the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010 .Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens was made into law. The P500.00 monthly stipend that each of them receives was a big help to cover the medicines that Lola Antonia needs. Thankfully, her health conditioned has improved .

However, their monthly stipend was suspended for 9 months following an order from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). But policy issues were ironed out and they got hold of their stipend for 9 months in the amount Php9,000.00.

Considering that Lola Antonia’s health condition  improved, they allocated a portion of the accumulated stipend for a micro enterprise. They started with one piglet which they intend to sell later with a higher market value.

Qualified to receive the P500 monthly stipend are senior citizens who are frail, sickly, or have disabilities; are not receiving pension from Social Security System (SSS), Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), or Veterans Pension; and do not have a permanent source of income or regular support from relatives.

The pension is distributed every quarter through cash payment by DSWD Field Offices or city/municipal social welfare and development offices. ###