Dir. Ponciana P. Condoy (3rd from right) joined other representatives of government agencies and private sector in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the official launching of PIA’s Info Kiosk.

In line with the Philippines hosting this year’s  Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN), the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office 02 took part in advocacy activities in the region.

Joining other representatives of the government, DSWD FO 02 Regional Director Ponicana P. Condoy, recently graced the launching of Philippine Information Agency (PIA) Region 2’s Association of South East Asian Nations’ (ASEAN)  Information Kiosk at Tuguegaao City Airport.

Mr. Chester CArlo M. Trinidad (top photo, 4th from right) with his Team who bagged 1st Place during the ASEAN Quiz Bowl. Ms.Gela Flor R. Perez, Regional Information Officer II (left photo) and Ms. Jeanet Antolin-Lozano, Pantawid Pamilya Information Officer (bottom photo, right) discussed the mission, vision and commitments of DSWD as Chair of the ASEA’s Socio-Cultural Community during PIA’s Campus Fora.

The said Info Kiosk includes profiles on tourism, socio-economic status, demography, agriculture, and arts and culture of the four cities and five provinces of the region.

Meanwhile, Information Officers, Ms. Gela Flor R. Perez, Regional Information Officer II and Ms. Jeanet Antolin-Lozano, Pantawid Pamilya Information Officer II, served as Resource Speakers for the ASEAN Campus Fora initiated by the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) Region 02.

They shared the DSWD’s vision and commitment as Chair of the ASEAN’s Pillar III – Socio Cultural Community (ASCC).

The said Campus Fora was conducted in the Provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya and Quirino.

The ASCC seeks to lift the quality of life of its peoples through cooperative activities that are people-oriented, people-centered, environmentally friendly, and geared towards the promotion of sustainable development.

The ASEAN has  three pillars, namely,  the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC). ### By: GELA FLOR R. PEREZ, Regional Information Officer II