NHTU staff discussing the brief description of Listahanan Project and the Result of Listahanan 2nd Round of Assessment as of December 2016

The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 02 (DSWD-FO2) thru the National Household Targeting Unit (NHTU) or Listhahanan conducted series of orientation with the partner stakeholders for the Listahanan 2 results data sharing guidelines and R.A. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012.

The activity was conducted in seven (7) batches covering partners from the Regional Line Agencies, Academe, Civil Society Organizations, Media, the 5 Provinces in the region and its Local Government Units.


The entire flow of the activity was facilitated by the NHTU staff who also served as the resource persons in the said orientation.

Matthias James Ryan L. Tangonan, Regional Information Technology Officer-Listahanan, Margarette G. Arao, Administrative Assistant III-Listahanan, and Carlina Joy c. Narag, Administrative Assistant III-Listahanan, presented the background of the project, the new Proxy Means Test (PMT) model used along with other innovations made to better the process and the legal bases where the project originated was presented to have a greater understanding of the implementation process.

In compliance with the DPA Mr. Christopher M. Soriano, Listahanan Field Coordinator, presented the provisions and implementing rules and regulations of the DPA and its implications in the Listahanan Data Sharing Guidelines.

Likewise,  Bernardo E. Juan, Regional Information technology Officer, discussed the prerequisites on the framework of security measures, the importance of having an in place physical, technical and organizational measures to ensure protection of personal information from accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration and disclosure, and other unlawful processing.

Following the discussion on the DPA is the presentation of the guidelines in sharing the data generated from Listahanan 2 by Christopher M. Soriano and also the discussion of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) of the data sharing.

The event was participated by the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officers (MSWDO) and Municipal Planning and Development Officers (MPDO) Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officers (PSWDO) and Provincial Planning and Development Officers (PPDO) Planning Officers and representatives from the partner stakeholders.

The orientation was conducted to gain knowledge on the guidelines on data sharing, its prerequisites and identify the data that the Listahanan can share with various partners and stakeholders implementing programs on poverty alleviation and to obtain information on the salient features of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 its implication to the Listahanan data sharing mandate.

The National household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NTHS-PR) is an information management system that aims to establish a data base of poor households that will become beneficiaries of social protection programs which is being implemented by the DSWD. ### By: Margarette B. Galimba, Administrative Assistant III/Listahanan IO