San Mariano, Isabela– About 75 parent leaders of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in this municipality come together for a consultation conference on the institutionalization of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Bill on March 22, 2016. The status of the CCT Bill which has two versions by the Congress and the Senate was presented to the continue reading : Pantawid Pamilya Parent Leaders gather for the Consultation Conference on CCT Bill Passage
SLP continues to provide various skills training to program participants
Joining this month’s graduates were 151 Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) participants of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) from 5 municipalities in Cagayan. In Sanchez Mira and Pamplona, Cagayan, 71 Pantawid Pamilya and SLP program participants benefited from various technical vocational trainings such as Computer Hardware Servicing NC II, Automotive Servicing NC II, continue reading : SLP continues to provide various skills training to program participants
Outstanding IP women leaders honored during Women’s Month celeb
Nagtipunan, Quirino– Indigenous Peoples (IP) women leaders shine during DSWD FO 02’s Women’s Month celebration on March 16, 2016 as they receive their award as outstanding IP leaders. Four (4) strong and determined women were recognized not only for their active participation in different activities in their communities but most importantly by sharing the best continue reading : Outstanding IP women leaders honored during Women’s Month celeb
Residents, staff of Haven for Women and Girls shine during Women’s Month celeb!
This year’s observance of the Women’s Month showcased women empowerment as the Haven for Women and Girls (Haven) gives recognition to exemplary staff and residents. Among the highlights of the celebration was the participation of residents to the Search for Ms. Haven 2016 where five (5) residents competed for the title, parlor games and awarding continue reading : Residents, staff of Haven for Women and Girls shine during Women’s Month celeb!
DSWD, Pantawid Pamilya launch Tuloy ang Pagbabago Campaign regionwide
The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office II through the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program staged a series of provincial event for the launching of Tuloy ang Pagbabago campaign this month. The event kicked-off in Cabarroguis, Quirino on March 7, 2016 followed by Naguilian, Isabela on March 9, 2016. The third and last installment continue reading : DSWD, Pantawid Pamilya launch Tuloy ang Pagbabago Campaign regionwide
Basic Bee Keeping Training Conducted in San Mariano, Isabela
A training to keep bees for the production of honey was conducted last March 14 to 16, 2016 by the Sustainable Livelihood Program of DSWD FO2 to 15 Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries from the municipalities of San Jose and San Mariano in Isabela. San Mariano is known for its apiculture, the taking care of bees until continue reading : Basic Bee Keeping Training Conducted in San Mariano, Isabela
SLP FO2 Conducts High-Value Crops Production Training in San Mariano, Isabela
The Sustainable Livelihood Program of DSWD FO2 conducted a skills training on the production of high-value crops last March 7 and 8, 2016 to enhance the capacities of 21 Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries. The said training was conducted to keep up with the rising demands for vegetables such as cauliflowers and cabbage needed for dishes like continue reading : SLP FO2 Conducts High-Value Crops Production Training in San Mariano, Isabela
DSWD reinforces C/MSWDOs’ capacities for handling gender-based violence cases
The Protective Services Unit (PSU) of the DSWD Field Office 02 conducted the Comprehensive Intervention Against Gender-based Violence (CIAGV) Training from March 1-4, 2016 in Tuguegarao City and participated by City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officers from the 4th, 5th and 6th class municipalities throughout region 2. The said training aims to equip MSWDOs on continue reading : DSWD reinforces C/MSWDOs’ capacities for handling gender-based violence cases
Pantawid Pamilya, MCCT beneficiaries shine in Penenkekesisit Festival
Nagtipunan, QUIRINO- Beneficiaries of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program and Modified Conditional Cash Transfer stood out during the municipality’s celebration of Penenkekesisit Festival on February 23-25, 2016. The beneficiaries showcased their skills and talents in joining different contests and successfully brought home the bacon when the Bugkalot Tribe won as champions in Street Dance competition. They continue reading : Pantawid Pamilya, MCCT beneficiaries shine in Penenkekesisit Festival
DSWD FO2 SLP Conducts Training on Swine Production
The Sustainable Livelihood Program in DSWD FO2 conducted a swine production training on February 18-19, 2016 to train the capacities of Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries in San Jose, Baggao, Cagayan. The training was in partnership with the Department of Agriculture (DA) Region 02 and the Municipal Agricultural Office (MAO) of Baggao, Cagayan. Mr. Chris Lagundi, SLP continue reading : DSWD FO2 SLP Conducts Training on Swine Production