The announcer gripped the microphone and began to speak, telling to the crowd who among the hundred of graduating high school students has the best command of the English language, and so the individual who perfected the subject-verb agreement has been named. “Best in English, Airon Ace Abogado!,” the gymnasium was filled with cheers. Airon, continue reading : FEATURE: A Young Man’s Journey
Listahanan to Wrap Up Household Assessment in Region 2 by the End of August, 2015
Listahanan in Region 2 is looking to complete the household assessment by the end of August, this coming from DSWD FO2 Regional Field Coordinator, Mr. Christopher Soriano, who reported that as of this writing 95% of the total number of households in Region 2 has already been assessed. The figure shows Region 2 placing 3rd continue reading : Listahanan to Wrap Up Household Assessment in Region 2 by the End of August, 2015
Trading Sleep for Keeps
We all need to rest and sleep. Science says that we need at least 8 hours of sleep every night for us to attain our optimal level. Anything less than 8 hours and a person may feel weak, lack the needed strength for the rest of the day and not think well. What if continue reading : Trading Sleep for Keeps
DSWD welcomes Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council in its fold, vows to promote welfare of CICL, CAR
The transfer of Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council’s (JJWC) supervision from the Department of Justice (DOJ) to DSWD and the creation of the Regional Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council (RJJWC) as an attached agency of DSWD was warmly received by DSWD FO 02. In one of the series of orientation on the revised Implementing Rules continue reading : DSWD welcomes Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council in its fold, vows to promote welfare of CICL, CAR
FEATURE: Piso sa Bilao
“Gagawin ko ang lahat para sa maayos na kinabukasan ng aking mga anak,” then tears flowed down on her cheeks. Brave, strong but a soft-hearted mother – these are the qualities that make Nora Reperuga. Nora happily lives with her husband and her five children in Aparri, Cagayan. Though his husband’s job is not regular, continue reading : FEATURE: Piso sa Bilao
DSWD FO 02 observes National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week
“Please be sensitive to our needs or we’ll be hurt, If you can’t hold us with your arms, hold us with your heart.” This plea of Majah A. Dipatuan, a 10-year old student of Baggay SPED Class and a person of short stature (a person with dwarfism condition ), captured the hearts of the participants continue reading : DSWD FO 02 observes National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week
FEATURE: For Their Children’s Sake
It has always been said that a parent’s love is always greater than any force known to mankind. Through whatever, and no matter how hard the situation is, the father and the mother will do anything for their offspring. Lucky are those endowed with a comfortable life because they can easily provide for their family’s continue reading : FEATURE: For Their Children’s Sake
FEATURE: More Than Words
Some people are speechless when something big and significant happen in their lives, but the smile in their faces speak of their happiness. Marieta Kiso, was also lost for words when her life undergone a transformation, but the shine in her eyes says it all. Marieta, is a beneficiary of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in continue reading : FEATURE: More Than Words
Listahanan Starts Final Field Staff Training
With the aim of finishing the assessment of Region 2 households as fast as possible, DSWD Field Office 2 through its Listahanan project conducted the last batch of training from July 14-18, 2015 at Ivory Lodge, Tuguegarao City. The training was conducted to fill up the vacant slots in municipalities where additional enumerators are still continue reading : Listahanan Starts Final Field Staff Training
DSWD clarifies lump sum in its 2015 budget
The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has no lump sum or discretionary funds amounting to P102.6 billion in the 2015 General Appropriations Act (GAA). “How can that be when the budget of the Department is already P107.8 billon? We do have a budget for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses amounting to P102B, and continue reading : DSWD clarifies lump sum in its 2015 budget