A report released by the Department of Health (DOH) in March 2016 revealed a total of 32,647 (January 1984-March 2016) reported cases of Persons Living with HIV (PLHIV) with 25 Filipinos being diagnosed with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) daily. However, this statistics could even be higher given that they are based only on who continue reading : Taggueg: HIV is not a death sentence
DSWD FO2 releases 50 core shelters units for beneficiaries in Dinapigue, Isabela
Victims of Typhoon Vinta in Dinapigue, Isabela received their core shelter units from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office 02 through its Core Shelter Assistance Project (CSAP) during the inauguration held recently in the said municipality. A total of 50 units were awarded to qualified beneficiaries in the said municipality with the corresponding amount continue reading : DSWD FO2 releases 50 core shelters units for beneficiaries in Dinapigue, Isabela
Listahanan to assess missing Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries
For the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 02, finding who and where the poor are doesn’t end after the regional launching of the results of the 2nd Round of Family Assessment on July 15, 2016 by the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) or Listahanan. Results of the said 2015 Listahanan Database continue reading : Listahanan to assess missing Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries
In sickness and in health, DSWD supports the elderly
The couple Fernando and Antonina Tappa, residents of Cabbo, Penablanca, Cagayan, both are 80 years old and beneficiaries of the Social Pension Program. They are living in a makeshift house without electricity. They have eight (8) children, all were not able to finish high school due to poverty and all have their own families. At continue reading : In sickness and in health, DSWD supports the elderly
DSWD, partner agencies, intensify advocacy on VAWC, ink MOA
The member agencies of the Inter-Agency Council on Violence against Women and their Children (IAC VAWC) forged a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) as the monitoring body monitoring with regard to all VAWC initiativves. The said show of commitment was held at the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 02 on August 8, 2016 continue reading : DSWD, partner agencies, intensify advocacy on VAWC, ink MOA
Ulnoy Day Care Center: Capacitating Locals to Access Basic Education
Barangay Camandag, Sitio Ulnoy is a half hike from the main Poblacion of Ambaguio, Nueva Vizcaya. It is most commonly reached using a private single motor or hired single motor for P600.00 for a one-way trip. The mountainous terrain meanders into a landslide prone area with stony ground and steep slope that becomes hazardous to continue reading : Ulnoy Day Care Center: Capacitating Locals to Access Basic Education
DSWD, sole authority to determine beneficiaries of PSP
The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Judy M. Taguiwalo issued Memorandum Circular No. 9 (MC 9) titled ‘Supplemental Guidelines on the Implementation of Protective Services Program” (PSP) and circulated to all Field Offices for implementation. The said MC 9 sought to attain the following objectives, namely: To guide the DSWD Field Offices continue reading : DSWD, sole authority to determine beneficiaries of PSP
Trabahong Lansangan continues to benefit Listahanan identified poor
With the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s strong partnership with the Department of Public Works and High Ways (DPWH), Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries and Sustainable Livelihood Program participants keep their families afloat through the “Trabahong Lansangan” Program. The beneficiaries were given jobs as street workers , such cleaners, roadside workers and the like. The DPWH provided continue reading : Trabahong Lansangan continues to benefit Listahanan identified poor
DSWD, Provincial Government of Isabela unveil Isabela Provincial Multi-Purpose Evacuation Center
Ilagan, Isabela- With the aim to intensify disaster preparedness in the province, the Provincial Government of Isabela and the Department of Social Welfare and Development recently inaugurates the Isabela Multi-Purpose Evacuation Center. The DSWD shared P10,000,000.00 pesos for the completion of the said P27,000,000.00 peso-structure. “We recognize the need for a more focused and implementation continue reading : DSWD, Provincial Government of Isabela unveil Isabela Provincial Multi-Purpose Evacuation Center
DSWD FO2 observes 38th National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week, conducts series of activities
The Department of Social Welfare and Development joins this year’s 38th National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week with the theme, “Karapatan ng may Kapansanan, Isakatuparan…Now na!” participating in a series of activities throughout the region. Among the highlights of the celebration were the distribution of assistive devices to selected PWDs, media guesting, conduct of poster continue reading : DSWD FO2 observes 38th National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week, conducts series of activities